Thursday 13 March 2025
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Manta Poker Jumbo Basic

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Manta Poker Jumbo Basic

Robust and versatile monolithic machine. It cuts both length ways (X axis) and cross ways (Y axis). The head traverse is driven by means of an electronic program card. The main technical features are: X Axis Traverse: 3500 mm.; Y Axis Traverse: 1650 mm.; Cutting head speed driven by inverter; manual turning head (0-90 degree); head inclination (0-45 degree) by means of a hand-wheel. CE marking. Barriers or other protections are prerogative of the respective state regulations.




Marine ply wood bench Control panel for managing head movements and speed control display Step cutting facility Encoder with display Adjustable feet Frontal stops for slabs Solenoid valve for cooling water inlet


Diamond Blade Stop for diagonal cuts Laser pointer Tray with pump to collect and recover the disc cooling water Positioning, Installation of the machine and Training of operators

Technical Data

150757 FRESA MANTA POKER JUMBO BASIC 450 - 40 1400 5,5 - 400 3500 295 140 546x220x217 1680
* Voltage and power on request
The technical data herein mentioned are non-binding. They are for your guidance, only.
NUOVA MONDIAL MEC reserves the right to modify the technical features of the machines without prior notice.

One year parts warranty!
